To celibrate the fourth anniversary of the GSL again a survey was held amongst the readers. This time everyone, not just the mailing list subscribers, were free to return the form. Up till 31 december the forms could be returned, which only a few did.
Many thanks to those who did return their form, but I think it doesn't fully represent all GSL readers and is therfore of little value. Next anniversary we'll need to find a better way to celibrate...
Ren Ros
Number returned: 20 (75% using the Web form)
Most respondents (17) are subscribed to the GSL mailing list.
Below are the questions of the survey again with in front of each answer the number of people who gave that answer and the percentage of the total answers. Below some questions and results I added a note or compiled some of the remarks from the replies.
1) What do you think of the contents of the GSL?
25% lots of unusable information
10% not enough usable information
20% enough usable information
10% just enough usable information
35% lots of usable information
2) How often do you refer to the list for information?
50% seldom (once a month or less)
45% occasionally (a few times a month)
ハ5% often (a few times a week)
ハ0% very often (daily)
3) What do you use the list for?
50% for work
45% for private use
ハ5% only for fun
4) Do you read the updates included with the GSL or via the mailing list?
ハ5% no
ハ5% seldom
70% yes, the relevant parts
20% yes, each word
5) Has the list been of importance because it provided needed information?
100% yes
ハハハハ0% no
6) What do you think of the layout of the list?
ハ0% inaccessible
ハ0% just workable
35% workable
45% accessible
20% very accessible
"because Alphabetical listing grouped by category"
"Everything is well divided."
7) Do you have suggestions/comments regarding the contents?
"You mean besides more selectors?"
"More info! :-)"
"1. As a Pascal programmer I would prefer to see Pascal syntax used instead of C/C++ for gestalt constansts. 2. The comments and notes add a lot of value to the document."
"Apart from encouragement to keep it up - no. Thanks for providing us with this great reference."
8) Do you have suggestions/comments regarding the layout?
"I like the layout! It is very easy to identify the new parts and it is also easy to find specific information."
"Can get a bit confusing with a lot of [???]s and such. Just a simple Unverified, Preliminary, or Undocumented would be sufficient."
9) Which programming language do you use? (Multiple answers possible!)
10) What information do you have access to? (Multiple answers possible!)
40% MacTech Magazine
40% Developer Series CD-ROM
50% E.T.O. series CD-ROM
60% D e v e l o p Magazine and the Bookmark CD-ROM
25% other Mac programming related: Internet, Books & CodeWarrior
11) How do you read the GSL?
25% EasyView (Mac setext viewer)
ハ0% other setext viewer
70% normal text editor
ハ0% WWW browser
ハ0% other
12) Where did you learn about the existence of the GSL?
25% Usenet posting
25% FTP Site
ハ0% Links to a WWW page with the GSL
ハ0% America OnLine
ハ5% AppleLink
ハ0% Compuserve Forum
ハ0% Local BBS
ハ0% found on CD-ROM
ハ0% GSL was included with software
15% other
13) Which Gestalt application(s) are you using? Which overall mark (1-bad; 5-super) do you give it? (Multiple answers possible!)
20% GestaltDA (avg. grade: 3)
25% Gestalt! (avg. grade: 4)
55% Gestalt.Appl (avg. grade: 3.6) *
ハハ20% other:
ハハハハハハAngst (1x) (grade: 5)
ハハハハハハGestalt dcmd (3x) (avg. grade: 3.7)
* because of a problem with the form on the web site no grade was recorded for Gestalt.Appl. From only five people I received the grade.
Other comments were:
"It may only [refer to the GSL] occasionally, but it's very, very useful on those occasions!"
"That I refer to GSL seldomly doesn't mean that I don't consider it important. On the contrary I think it fills an important gap in Apples documentation by being THE one stop reference for all Gestalt selectors. Thanks again for your work!"
"Currently there's no Gestalt app which I really like; I want to have ALL selectors from the list!"
"Gestalt.Appl doesn't display all the selectors." [Yes it does, all known selectors at least. Select 'All defined selector' from the File menu.]
"Always great to examine each update!"
"Petition Heidi Roisen to give you all of Apple's gestalt information."